Board Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 2023
6:00 PM Tour / 7:00 PM Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees will accept citizen comments at the designated time via email, or in person. Citizen comments emailed should be sent to the District Clerk ( no later than 1:00 PM on the meeting day. The email subject line must state “Citizen Comment – 7/27/2023 Board of Trustee Meeting,” the email body must include the citizen’s first and last name, address, and a brief statement. In some circumstances, the board of trustees may participate electronically.
Board Member Tour of Station 42 Construction Site – 6:00 PM
At 6:00 pm, the NDFD Board of Trustees will meet at the Station 42 Construction Site, 88 E Center Street, Clearfield, UT 84015. Immediately after the tour, the board will convene for the regular session at Station 41, 381 N 3150 W, West Point, UT 84015.
Board of Trustee Meeting – 7:00 PM or Immediately Following the Work Session
Immediately after the Station 42 tour, the Board of Trustees will convene for the regular session at Station 41, 381 N 3150 W, West Point, UT 84015.
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation or Inspirational Thought (Please contact the District Clerk to request permission to offer the invocation or inspirational thought)
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Citizen Comment (If you wish to comment to the Board, please use the podium and clearly state your name and address, keeping your comments to a maximum of 3 minutes. Public comment is a time for the Board to receive new information and perspectives. The Board may not respond to public comments during the comment period)
5. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from June 15, 2023, Board of Trustee Meetings
6. Consideration of Approval of the North Davis Fire District Bills for June 2023
7. Consideration of Approval of the North Davis Fire District Financial Report
8. Fire Chiefs Report
9. Member City Updates
10. Consideration of Adjourning into a Closed Session Pursuant to §52-4-205 (1)(a), Discussion of the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual – Annual Evaluation of Fire Chief Becraft
a. Call to order
b. Motion to adjourn into a Closed Session Pursuant to §52-4-205
c. Motion to adjourn out of Closed Session and Re-enter the Regular Meeting
11. Possible Action from the Closed
12. Motion to Adjourn
Dated and posted this 19th day of July 2023